Articles under category default

Days ago,I went to outside to eat dinner with my friends.But I had no communication with them.It's bad.A old friend came back from a city far away to our home.Unfortunately,I thought I might be have become unfamiliar with many friend.They spoke so loudly and had many topics with.Haha,I can't integrate into them.Actually I felt sad and lonely.
Also,an old friend and I had a broken relationship just because of his own emotional reasons.I don't think I did anything wrong.My friends few and few.Lose friends it's a so bad thing.I just felt sad.
During them talk together.Because they don't want to talk with me so I watched a video by Links. In this video I thought a lot:
In the past six months, I have traveled alone or with friends and family to Guangdong, Jiangxi, Fujian, Jiangsu, Shanghai and Beijing. There are not many places, but it has broadened my horizons a lot. Once upon a time, my world was plunged into a gray shadow. But when I embarked on my journey to a foreign land, my heart was filled with passion and color. When I was a child, I never thought that the buildings printed in textbooks would be seen by myself ten years later. Every time I watch the video of Teacher Links, I feel a tear in my eyes. In a short span of a few decades, people always do their own things in obscurity. Perhaps life is meaningless, and we will all turn into dust in the end. Why should we do something that is "meaningful"? Chinese-style education makes me feel suffocated. There is a widespread emphasis on only considering scores, holding your shortcomings against other outstanding individuals, yet never recognizing your own strengths. Why do I yearn for travel? Because in travel, I can recognize myself and let myself do what I like. Teacher Links' video shows us the beauty of nature. Looking at Links' way of living, I feel full of passion and I think I will work hard in this direction.

I'm very bother with others who ask me so many questions.Actually,I don't want to have a answer.So last day's forenoon I felt not well.Then in the afternoon,I went to outside to help coser to take photoes.In the time of taking photos I felt happy.But unfortunately,I'm lack of skills about social.So I even not to speak to much with others!Because of that,only got 9 photos lastly.That's OK.I was excited that a person cosed Liuhua.I very like this character!In the night I eat fried rice with friends.I think last day is full.Recently,I always stay up,but I don't mean it.I have been suffering from insomnia for several weeks in a row.I think that I should to go to hospital.

I used 3 hours to move my blog.I don't know how to move the articles fastly.I moved them one by one!I think I shoud to learn more about PHPmyAdmin.Haha,it's my first time to use English to keep a diary.It might be lots of wrong about the grammar.If that's wrong.Please don't laugh to me!I'm tired now,so,have a good night!